精神关怀服务 & 信息

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康致力于卓越的病人护理, 包括满足病人及其家属的精神需求.

跨宗教牧师可以提供精神关怀和帮助, 神圣的皇冠hga025, 以及24小时的精神支持, 一周七天. 罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心有牧师, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院, 以及皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的雷斯尼克神经精神病院. 由上午八时三十分至下午五时,致电精神关怀办公室,电话 310-825-7484 请求访问. After hours ask your nurse to page the On-Call Chaplain at pager #91770 or contact the Page Operator at 310-825-6301 并要求呼叫随叫随到的牧师. 的 Interfaith Chaplains can also contact a religious leader of a particular faith tradition at your request.

If you need spiritual care services for UCLA 圣塔莫尼卡 Medical Center, please call 424-259-8170. After hours ask your nurse to page the On-Call Chaplain at pager # 90275 or contact the Page Operator at 310-319-4000.


An interfaith Meditation Room/Chapel is available for private prayer and meditation 24 hours a day at both locations. It is located in Room 1109 (on the first floor of the hospital just inside the front entrance) at RR-UCLA and in G 300A (on the Ground level of the Central Tower) at UCLA-SM Medical Center.

Meditation Room/Chapel, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center - Photo by Benny Chan/Fotoworks



  • 拜访所有病人
  • 应你的要求祈祷
  • 分享你信仰上的挣扎
  • 帮助你寻求内心的平静和力量
  • 来帮助回答你的精神问题
  • 带给你,神圣的文本,或来自特定信仰传统的神圣著作
  • 帮助你联系你信仰传统的宗教领袖
  • 以帮助满足您的特定信仰,宗教或精神需求


〇医院外 310-825-7484

〇医院外 424-259-8170

洛杉矶,CA 90095-1733


  • Regular visits week days from an interfaith Chaplain assigned to your Nursing Unit
  • Visits from an interfaith on-call Chaplain for emergencies and urgent requests 24/7
  • 包括牧师在内的跨学科医疗团队
  • 来自不同信仰传统的文本和圣典
  • 有特殊精神关怀需要的文学作品
  • 悲伤和危机支持
  • 联络当地的信仰团体,以满足你的特殊需要
  • 我们欢迎所有信仰传统和不同信仰的人, 以及那些没有宗教信仰的人. 如果您有任何疑问或具体要求,请与我们联系.




牧师. 裕子上 是精神关怀部的主任吗. She is an ACPE Certified Educator and an ordained Elder of the United Methodist Church (UMC). She completed the ACPE实习生hip and residency programs at UCLA Westwood and 圣塔莫尼卡 Hospital.  她是土生土长的日本人,后来来到美国.S. 1996年,为了继续她的神学教育. 她拿着她的B.A. 毕业于日本东京青山学院大学工商管理专业.Div. 皇冠hga025帕萨迪纳富勒神学院毕业. 牧师. 上杉有担任心脏病学牧师的经验, 精神病学, 肿瘤学, and general hospital ministry and management experience of the 精神关怀部 at UCLA Medical Center, 圣塔莫尼卡.

布莱克·阿诺尔牧师 是精神关怀部的助理主任吗. He is an ACPE Certified Educator and a commissioned minister with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). He holds a BFA from Art Center College of Design and a Master of Divinity from the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, 皇冠hga025. He is a member of the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) and has been a Board Certified Chaplain since 2007. He completed his ACPE Certified Educator training at 皇冠hga025 Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. 他有为肿瘤学提供牧师护理的经验, 移植和精神病患者及其家属. 他曾在姑息治疗团队和伦理委员会任职超过十年. 在加入UCLA健康之前, he was the Manager of Pastoral Education at Methodist Hospital of Southern 皇冠hga025 in Arcadia, 皇冠hga025.

牧师. 基思·W. 韦克菲尔德 CPE项目经理是谁. He is an ACPE Certified Educator and an Ordained Elder in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He completed four units of CPE before doing another CPE Residency at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in 2016/17. He completed his ACPE Certified Educator training at the University of 科罗拉多州 Hospital in Aurora, 科罗拉多州. 他持有Southern Adventist University的神学学士学位(2004年)。, a Master of Divinity from the Seventh-Day Adventist 的ological Seminary at Andrews University (2013) and earned his “Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods in Health Practice” from the University of Bath (2023). 基思有在医疗加护病房担任牧师的经验, 燃烧, 手术创伤, 心脏病学, 精神病学, 肿瘤学, 在其他普通医学单位中. 在加入UCLA健康之前, 基思是巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心的一名CPE教育家, 然后在斯坦福医疗中心工作, 在帕洛阿尔托, 皇冠hga025.


牧师. Chitra饶 is the Oncology Staff Chaplain at the outpatient UCLA Bowyer Oncology Center and on the inpatient Hematology and Stem Cell Transplant Unit at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. 她是一名圣公会牧师,也是APC认证的牧师. Prior to coming to UCLA she served as an 肿瘤学 staff chaplain for six years on the pediatric and adult patient units at City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, 后来做了临终关怀牧师和丧亲主管.  牧师. Rao received a Master of Divinity from Fuller 的ological Seminary and completed her CPE residency at the University of North Carolina 医院, 她的牧师经历集中在新生儿身上吗, 妇产科. 另外, she earned her Bachelors from MS University of Baroda in India and graduate degrees in Special Education from Long Island University, 以及蒙特克莱尔州立大学的听力学专业, 新泽西.

牧师. Chunho崔 是专业牧师协会认证的牧师吗. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from 皇冠hga025 State University Northridge and a Master of Divinity from 的 King’s University in Van Nuys, CA. 来皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心之前, he was a Staff Chaplain at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital where he primarily worked with patients in palliative care, 加护病房, ED, 行为健康皇冠hga025. 崔牧师也曾在杜阿尔特的希望之城担任牧师, CA where he provided spiritual support for patients in various service lines including integrated care service, 卓越中心项目, 血液学, 骨髓移植. 他在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心完成了CPE实习, 曾在肿瘤科做过牧师, 老年病学, 儿科, 整形外科, 以及外科/中间护理. 在成为牧师之前, 牧师erend Choi worked as a lead pastor in Korean Presbyterian church for numerous years. He is ordained by the Evangelical Church Alliance for professional pastoral ministry.

牧师. 莎拉Lamar-Sterling他是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校圣莫尼卡医疗中心的一名随员牧师. 她是联合卫理公会的牧师, 由联合卫理公会认证机构认可, 也是专业牧师协会认证的牧师. She received a Master of Divinity degree from Union 的ological Seminary in the City of New York, 专攻艺术和宗教. Sara completed her Clinical Pastoral Education residency at Yale New Haven Hospital. She served as Staff Chaplain at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital for more than four years, 为高危产妇提供护理, 分娩和分娩, 产后孕妇, 新生儿和儿科重症监护病房, 儿科医学, 心脏病学, 神经学, 手术, 和肿瘤. 在2019年搬到洛杉矶后, 她获得了成人肿瘤学方面的经验, 门诊姑息治疗, 并在MemorialCare长滩医疗中心为提前护理计划提供便利. 在她成为医院牧师之前, 萨拉在纽约和康涅狄格担任了11年的当地牧师.

迪娜·特鲁曼拉比 是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校圣莫尼卡医疗中心的姑息治疗牧师. She received ordination and a Master’s degree in Jewish Studies from the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College in Newton, MA, and she holds dual undergraduate degrees in History and 英语 from Northwestern University. 在加入UCLA健康之前, Rabbi Trugman was a staff chaplain at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, where she primarily served patients receiving inpatient physical rehabilitation due to 创伤tic brain injury, 脊髓损伤, 截肢, 和中风. 她在肿瘤学方面也有丰富的工作经验, 创伤, 燃烧, 肾, 痴呆, 心脏, 重症监护病人. 特拉格曼拉比在布莱根完成了她的训练 & 女子医院, 雪松西奈医疗中心, 和希伯来老年生活, 波士顿地区的一家长期护理机构.

的 精神关怀部 还包括一名办公室管理员.  作为精神关怀部团队的一员, CPE实习生, residents and staff serve the spiritual and religious needs of the Medical Center's patients, 患者家属成员, 教职员工.