

如果你是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的病人, your electronic heath information is automatically enrolled in a health information exchange so that your vital heath data can be securely made available to doctors – no matter where you receive care.

卫生信息交流的存在是为了提高质量, 安全, 医疗保健的成本效益. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心目前参与以下HIE:

  • Epic的关爱无处不在, which allows your provider to query other treatment centers that use Epic platforms for electronic medical record keeping.


通过参与健康信息交流, doctors and other health care personnel are permitted to use and share your health information through a health exchange network for HIPAA-permitted purposes only.

您的电子健康信息仅供医生和卫生保健人员访问, 为你提供医疗服务. Your electronic health information is stored only within each treating provider’s secure electronic medical record system.

The health information exchanges that 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 participates in only store your identifying information and some markers about where you have received care. 健康信息交换不存储有关您的任何临床信息. 它们只是交换信息的一种手段.


  • 治疗你的医生
  • 洛杉矶免疫登记处
  • 洛杉矶县公共卫生服务皇冠hga025,由联邦和州法律授权


至少, 您当前的健康状况列表, 药物, 过敏症与其他参与的供应商共享. 你的化验和手术结果以及医生记录可以和一些人交换, 但并非全部, 健康信息交流参与者.


某些类型的敏感健康信息(如心理治疗记录), 药物使用治疗记录, genetic testing) may not be disclosed under federal laws without the patient’s prior written authorization.


You or your personal representative may elect to opt-out of health information exchanges at any time and without any effect on your access to care at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康. Opting out prevents your personal health information from being shared on the health information exchanges, 有两个例外:

  • The opt-out right does not apply to when the disclosure is made to public health authorities and is permitted by both HIPAA and applicable CA law.
  • Your information may also be disclosed through health information exchange to facilitate emergency medical treatment.

Your opt-out notification will apply to Epic’s CareEverywhere from the date your opt-out is initiated in the system and going forward. 请预留最多5个工作日来处理选择退出请求.

如何选择退出Epic CareEverywhere健康信息交换

You may choose one of the following three methods to notify 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 of your decision to opt-out of the health information exchange:



  • 健康信息交流的好处
  • 个人选择不参与健康信息交流的权利及其潜在后果
  • 个人撤销先前选择退出的决定的权利
  • 行使选择退出权利或撤销先前选择退出决定的过程

对于不选择退出的患者, health care participants are permitted to use and share patient information through the health information network for any HIPAA-permitted purpose. 另外, 皇冠hga025法律允许心理健康病人的信息, 药房记录, 传染病记录, home health care records to be accessed and disclosed for permitted purposes through the health information exchange network, 但参与者不得向健康信息交流中心提供任何心理治疗记录, 药物滥用治疗记录, or other types of health information that may not be disclosed under applicable federal laws without the patient's prior written authorization.



The exchange of health information helps improve the quality of patient care and reduces costs in the following ways:

从外界获取健康信息, your health care providers may get a more complete picture of your medical history and have it all in one place, 减少相互矛盾诊断的可能性, 处方和治疗方案.

它可以帮助您快速地将您的健康信息提供给您的提供者. 这意味着更少的时间搜索,打电话和传真你的信息. You may avoid unnecessary return visits if your providers have near-immediate access to medical information necessary for your care.

可以查看你的医疗记录, your health care provider may not need to order tests or procedures that you have already completed at another medical facility.

如果你看到多位参与健康信息交流的医生, 他们将能够更全面地了解你的健康状况, 做出更明智的治疗决定. 我们的目标是让你更有效地得到协调一致的护理.


The Health 保险 Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) prohibits health care providers from sharing your personal health information for most purposes other than treatment, 付款, 或者在没有事先获得你的特别书面授权的情况下进行医疗保健操作. 结果是, only participating HIE organizations that require your personal health information for purposes of treatment, 或用于核实公共或私人保险范围, 可以要求您提供信息.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心如何确保我健康信息的隐私和安全, 尤其是当它被转移或交换时?

您的健康信息受到使用许多安全措施的高级系统的保护. All systems must comply with the privacy and security provisions of HIPAA and similar state laws that may apply.

我可以选择退出一个交换而仍然参加另一个交换吗, 或者共享一种类型的健康信息(实验室结果),但不共享另一种类型的健康信息(持续状态列表)?

此时此刻, if you decide to opt out of exchanging your information because of concern about a particular type of information or provider, 您的任何信息都不会通过我们的健康信息交流网络共享. 换句话说, opting out is an “all or nothing” concept and you cannot choose particular providers or types of information for electronic exchange and reject others. 例如, if you opt out of health information exchange because you object to the sharing of your ongoing conditions list, neither your ongoing conditions list nor any other type of protected health information will be available for electronic exchange with any other health information exchange participant.

如果我退出皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医保网, 这是否意味着我已选择退出所有外部卫生信息交换网络?

No. Completion of 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s opt-out form does not opt you out of other health information exchanges in which 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 providers are not participants. 如果您希望退出其他网络,您有责任安排其他网络. 选择退出我们的网络, your health information will not be electronically shared by 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 with outside organizations that are requesting this information through the health information exchange. 但也可以通过传真或邮件等其他方式发送给外部医疗保健提供者或组织, 如果您的医疗保健提供者要求.


Your choice to opt-out of the health information exchange will not affect your ability to access medical care. Opting-out will not prevent your caregivers from sharing your health information with authorized entities when necessary for public health or research purposes that are permitted or required by state and federal law. 在医疗紧急情况下, your doctor may request to view your health record to diagnose or treat your emergency medical condition and 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 will make your records available under such circumstances and will audit these requests.