


This section explains your right to make healthcare decisions and how you can plan what should be done if you can't speak for yourself.

你的医生会给你有关治疗的信息和建议. 你有选择的权利. 你可以对你想要的治疗说“是”. You can say "No" to any treatment you don't want - even if the treatment might keep you alive longer.

Your doctor must tell you about your medical condition and about what different treatments can do for you. 许多治疗都有“副作用”." Your doctor must offer you information about serious problems that medical treatment is likely to cause you. Often, more than one treatment might help you - and people have different ideas about which is best. Your doctor can tell you which treatments are available to you, but your doctor can't choose for you. 这个选择取决于什么对你来说是重要的.

如果你不能做出治疗决定, your doctor will ask your closest available relative or friend to help decide what is best for you. 偶尔会有关于采取何种措施的分歧. That's why it is helpful if you say in advance what you want to happen if you can't speak for yourself. There are several "advance directives" you can use to indicate preferences or designate who you'd like to speak on your behalf. One kind of advance directive under California law lets you name someone to make healthcare decisions when you can't. 这种形式被称为预先健康护理指示.

如果你年满18岁且心智健全,就可以. 你不需要律师来填写.

You can choose an adult relative or friend you trust as your "agent" to speak for you if you're too sick to make your own decisions.

在你选择了一个人之后,和那个人谈谈你想要什么. You can also write down in the "Advance Health Care Directive" when you would or wouldn't want medical treatment. Talk to your doctor about what you want and give your doctor a copy of the form. 再给你指定的代理人一份. And take a copy with you when you go into a hospital or other treatment facility. Sometimes treatment decisions are hard to make and it truly helps your family and your doctor if they know what you want. The "Advance Health Care Directive" also gives them legal protection when they follow your wishes.

You can use another kind of advance directive to write down your wishes about treatment. This is often called a "Living Will" because it takes effect while you are still alive but have become unable to speak for yourself. "The California Natural Death Act" lets you sign a living will, called a Declaration. 任何年满18岁且心智健全的人都可以签署. When you sign a Declaration it tells your doctors that you don't want any treatment that would only prolong your dying. All life-sustaining treatment would be stopped if you were terminally ill and your death was expected soon, 或者如果你永远失去知觉. 你仍然会接受治疗,让你感到舒适.

医生必须按照你的意愿限制治疗, 或者把你的护理交给另一个会照顾你的医生. 当你的医生按照你的意愿行事时,他们也受到法律保护.


而不是使用《皇冠hga025自然死亡法案》中的声明,“你可以使用任何现有的生前遗嘱形式. 您可以使用“预先保健指示”而不指定代理人. 或者你可以把你的愿望写在一张纸上. Your doctors and family can use what you write in deciding about your treatment. But living wills that don't meet the requirements of "The California Natural Death Act" don't give as much legal protection for your doctors if a disagreement arises about following your wishes.

You can change or revoke any of these documents at any time as long as you can communicate your wishes.

不,如果你不想填写这些表格,你可以不填写. You can just talk with your doctors and ask them to write down what you've said in your medical chart. 你可以和你的家人聊天. 但如果你写下来,人们会更清楚你的治疗愿望. 如果你把你的愿望写下来,你的愿望更有可能被实现.

绝对. 你仍会接受治疗. 我们只是想让你知道,如果你病得无法做决定, 别人会帮你做的. 记住:

An "Advance Health Care Directive" lets you name someone of your choice to make treatment decisions for you. That person can make most medical decisions - not just those about life-sustaining treatment when you are unable to speak for yourself. 除了指定代理人, you can also use the form to say when you would and wouldn't want particular kinds of treatment. 如果在你不能做决定的时候,没有一个你想点名的人来帮你做决定, 你可以签署一份"自然死亡法案声明." This Declaration says that you do not want life-prolonging treatment if you are terminally ill or permanently unconscious.

向你的医生、护士或社工询问更多的信息. 如果你对填写预嘱表格有任何疑问, 或者如果你需要预先指示表格, 您可以联系患者体验办公室,电话: 310-267-9113 . You may also ask for additional written material titled "Making an 预先指令." This detailed brochure is very helpful to anyone who wants to prepare an advance directive.

All of us at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 want our patients to understand their rights to make medical-treatment decisions. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 complies with California laws and court decisions on advance directives. We do not condition the provision of care or otherwise discriminate against anyone based on whether or not you have executed an advance directive. We have formal policies to ensure that your wishes about treatment will be followed. 我们还有一个 伦理委员会 如果你对治疗愿望有任何疑问,这可以帮助你.

It is your responsibility to provide a copy of your advance directive to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center's Admissions office, the Patient Affairs office or Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA so that it can be filed in your medical record.

The California Consortium on Patient Self-Determination prepared the preceding text, which has been adopted by the California Department of Public Health to implement Public Law 101-508.

联邦法律要求我们向你提供这些信息. We hope this information will help increase your control over your medical treatment.