
我们的多专业团队的硬皮病专家提供全面的,个性化的护理. 我们共同制定全面的治疗计划,帮助您达到最佳健康状态.

Woman hands over a white background
Hand of a patient and physician

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for scleroderma care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康硬皮病项目的专家为硬皮病提供最先进的诊断和治疗, 一种罕见的疾病,引起皮肤或内脏的炎症和疤痕.

我们的项目是世界上最大的硬皮病患者转诊中心之一. 多年来,它也是硬皮病基金会指定的硬皮病卓越中心. 这一认可强调了我们对全面、高质量硬皮病护理的承诺.

Highlights of our program include:

Multispecialty团队: A team of specialists works together to care for you. Your treatment may include care from a rheumatologist, 胸腔科, 胃肠病学家, 放射科医生, 心脏病专家 or hematologist, depending on your needs.

Coordinated treatment: 我们专门的护理协调员安排您所有的专家预约,因此您不必担心与多个专家协调访问. 我们的目标是在一到两天内安排所有必要的专家访问,以便您方便, efficient access to care.

Personalized, holistic care: 我们的专家旨在了解影响您整体健康的所有因素. 有了这些知识,我们就可以提出改变生活方式的建议,以改善你的健康. 专门研究硬皮病的营养学家会提出饮食建议,帮助你控制症状或药物副作用. In some cases, these changes can even reverse the effects of the disease. We offer meditation, yoga and other integrative services as needed.  

研究重点: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 specialists are active researchers as well as clinical providers. 我们领导并参与了由美国国立卫生研究院赞助的多项硬皮病研究. Eligible patients can receive new, state-of-the-art treatment options.

Access to support resources: We hold support groups for patients living with scleroderma, so you can connect with others going through similar experiences. Whether you live in Southern California or elsewhere, our team helps you connect with supportive resources in your local community.


硬皮病是一种罕见的自身免疫性疾病,会导致皮肤和内脏的炎症或疤痕(纤维化). 当你的免疫系统错误地攻击健康组织或身体系统时,就会出现自身免疫性疾病. The earliest signs of scleroderma usually include fatigue, hand swelling and Raynaud’s phenomenon, 手部颜色的变化是对低温或压力的反应.

Scleroderma can affect multiple organ systems, including your:

皮肤: Most people with scleroderma experience symptoms affecting their 皮肤. The most common symptom is Raynaud’s phenomenon. Your 皮肤 may also thicken or tighten. 皮肤下的钙沉积可能表现为白色斑点,可以压穿皮肤.

肺: 硬皮病可引起肺组织的炎症和瘢痕(肺纤维化或肺纤维化) interstitial lung disease). As a result, your lungs stiffen and can’t take in enough oxygen. 这种情况还可能导致血管改变,导致肺部血压升高(肺动脉高压)。.

Gastrointestinal tract: You may have problems with the esophagus that lead to heartburn, acid reflux or difficulty swallowing. 硬皮病也可能会影响胃,让你在吃少量食物后就感到饱. Small or large intestine problems may cause diarrhea, 便秘, poor nutrient absorption, 气胀. 你可能会遇到排便问题,包括大便失禁.  

肾脏: Scleroderma can cause problems with blood vessels in the 肾脏, leading to restricted blood flow. 当这种情况发生时, you may have increased blood pressure, leg swelling and poor kidney filtration, known as scleroderma renal crisis.

心: 疤痕或纤维化也会影响心脏肌肉,引起心律问题(心律失常). 你可能会感到心跳加速(心悸)或呼吸急促或胸痛.

Musculoskeletal system: Scleroderma can cause joint and muscle problems. Your 皮肤 and tendons may thicken, which can make it difficult to fully extend joints (joint contractures). Other symptoms include joint or muscle inflammation, swelling and stiffness.

硬皮病的测试 and treatments we offer

我们的多专业团队提供全方位的硬皮病测试和治疗方案. 我们会全面评估您的症状和需求,并为您找到有效的治疗方案.



皮肤测试: 你的医生可能会对你进行身体检查,看是否有皮肤紧绷或硬度的迹象. 你也可以做血液测试来评估你进一步出现皮肤症状的可能性.

肺测试: 我们可以使用CT扫描等影像学检查来寻找肺部疤痕或炎症. We may also use a pulmonary function test. 你对着特殊的管子呼吸,以帮助我们评估呼吸是如何进出肺部的. 心脏超声(超声心动图)可以帮助我们评估肺部的血压. You may also need a cardiac catheterization. 对于这个过程, your provider inserts a flexible, 中空的管子(导管)穿过血管,引导血管到达心脏,测量肺动脉的压力.

Gastrointestinal (GI) tests: 你的医生可能会用内窥镜来评估你的肠道内部. Depending on your symptoms, 我们可以用测压法来评估你的食道肌肉如何收缩来移动食物. Your esophagus is the tube that connects your throat to your stomach. 我们也可以使用胃排空研究或其他额外的测试来观察食物是如何通过消化系统的.

肾脏测试: 你可能会做血液测试来评估你的肾脏过滤体内废物的能力. If you have high blood pressure, your provider may also ask you to check your blood pressure at home every day.

心测试: If scleroderma affects your heart, 你可以用超声心动图来检查你的心脏结构和血管. 你也可以做心电图(ECG),用来评估你的心律动. If your provider suspects you have inflammation around your heart, they may order a cardiac MRI, which uses magnets and radio waves to view your heart.

Musculoskeletal tests: 医生会给你做全面的身体检查,评估你关节的压痛或肿胀. 他们可能会要求进行血液检查以寻找炎症,或者对受影响的肌肉或关节进行MRI检查.

Scleroderma treatments

The goal of scleroderma treatment is to slow down and, 在某些情况下, reverse progression of the disease. Depending on your symptoms, your treatment may include:

生活方式的改变: Tailored nutrition guidance may help improve your health and quality of life. Diet changes may help lower inflammation, reduce gastrointestinal symptoms or manage medication side effects.

药物: 许多硬皮病患者服用药物来减少炎症和疤痕或抑制免疫系统. 我们会为您推荐合适的药物,并根据您的需求进行调整.

Stem cell or organ transplants: In some cases, we may recommend a stem cell or organ transplant. Stem cell transplants replace bone marrow with healthy cells, which increases your body’s ability to create healthy red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. An organ transplant replaces a damaged organ with a healthy one from a donor. Find out more about our transplant services.


我们的硬皮病专家是著名的硬皮病诊断和治疗专家. 我们为您带来前沿的治疗方法和先进的治疗支持的研究. 我们还建议改变生活方式,帮助你过上更健康的生活.




呼叫 310-825-2448 to request an appointment with a scleroderma specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


我们的硬皮病专家致力于高质量的研究型护理. 呼叫 310-825-2448 to learn more about our scleroderma services.


If you would like to learn more about ways to give, please contact our Senior Executive Director of Development, at 310-794-4746. Thank you very much for your interest!