
UCLA radiologists combine advanced technology with compassionate, accessible care.

Woman patient with radiologist and scanner
Female patient at a UCLA radiology center, 以核磁共振, 宠物 / CT扫描, Mamography, x射线, 红外线和超声波

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for radiology?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们的放射科团队结合经验和技术提供诊断成像服务. We have achieved international recognition for our research programs. Many of our faculty are known worldwide as leaders in their field.

Highlights of the 放射科 include:

Full range of diagnostic services: Our radiology specialists provide all types of medical imaging services, both on an inpatient and outpatient basis. 我们提供乳腺成像、儿科成像、急性护理成像等专业服务. 这些专业化意味着您可以根据您的病情和需求获得最先进的选择.

State-of-the-art technology: 我们的放射科医生使用先进的技术为您提供最准确的放射诊断. 例如, 我们有一个定量三维成像实验室,在那里我们将高分辨率的3D图像与强大的软件相结合. 这项技术赋予我们无与伦比的能力来规划高效和有效的程序.

Smooth transitions of care: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们使协调护理和与您的主治医生共享成像结果变得容易. Through UCLA 放射学 Connections, you can upload images directly to your provider through a secure portal. 当您在另一家机构做过影像学检查,并希望在预约放射科之前与我们分享时,这项服务也很有帮助.

Access to clinical trials: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校放射学小组包括研究诊断和治疗新方法的专家研究人员. When you come to 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, you have access to a range of clinical trials. 这些研究为患者提供了更多的护理选择,包括有希望的新疗法.

研究与创新: Our interventional neuroradiologists are leaders in research and innovation. 例如, we invented a device called the MERCI. MERCI是第一个被批准用于打开脑血管治疗急性中风的设备.


The radiology team supports multiple clinical areas throughout 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康. We provide diagnostic imaging services for breast cancer prevention, 静脉曲张治疗, lung cancer screening and more. 我们的服务包括: 

Diagnostic and imaging services

我们的放射科医生在我们的放射中心提供一系列诊断和成像服务, 包括:  

乳房成像: We continually lead the way in breast cancer prevention and diagnosis. Our Mammography Center was the first of its kind in Los Angeles, and we were the first center in the area to offer breast ultrasound. 我们也是该地区最早拥有提供3D乳房x光检查的专业知识和资源的中心之一, which give us a better view of breast tissue.

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT): HHT is a disorder in which blood vessels do not form properly. It primarily affects the skin, lungs, brain or liver. 我们已经获得了HHT基金会作为HHT治疗卓越中心的认证. 我们为HHT的筛查、诊断和治疗提供全方位、协调的护理.

Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter Clinic: 下腔静脉过滤器是一种小装置,可以防止血凝块移动到你的心脏和肺部. 我们的介入放射科医生使用先进的技术来放置、管理和移除这些过滤器.

肺癌筛检: We work with multiple specialists, including those in thoracic radiology, pulmonary medicine and thoracic surgery to detect and screen for lung cancer. 经常, people who have lung cancer don’t know they have the disease until it is severe, and then it is harder to treat. 我们使用一种称为低辐射剂量计算机断层扫描的成像测试,在症状出现之前发现肺癌.  

Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC): PICCs are small, hollow tubes placed through a vein in the arm. You may need a PICC to receive blood transfusions, medications or nutrients. 我们的放射科专家进行全面评估,以确定哪种类型的PICC最能满足您的需求,然后通过一个简短的程序放置PICC.

Prostate imaging and treatment: 我们提供全面、先进的影像检测、诊断和治疗前列腺癌. 新技术帮助我们更快地诊断前列腺癌,帮助我们协助外科医生计划微创手术.

Treatments and procedures

Radiologists may also provide treatment for certain conditions. Treatment options we offer include:  

Interventional neuroradiology: 介入神经放射学是一个专业领域,涉及使用成像和小塑料管来治疗脑部疾病. 我们可以用这些技术来治疗动脉瘤、中风和罕见的疾病,比如烟雾病.

介入肿瘤: This field of oncology focuses on image-guided cancer treatment, including biopsies and shrinking tumors. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们的团队开创并发展了介入肿瘤学领域. 现在, we perform more than 500 procedures each year, making us one of the largest programs of this kind in the United States.

Interventional radiology: With interventional radiology, 我们使用微创技术来治疗过去需要开腹手术的疾病. These techniques lower patient risk and reduce recovery times. We treat complex conditions safely and effectively with minimal scarring or pain.

Neurosurgery treatment for essential tremors: Our radiologists partner with the 神经外科 团队提供一种高级治疗叫做磁共振引导聚焦超声. This technique uses a special scanner, helmet and ultrasound waves to treat the part of the brain that causes tremors. It can be an effective treatment for patients with Parkinson’s disease.

子宫肌瘤项目: We use a unique team approach to diagnose and treat uterine fibroids. Your care team includes the expertise of gynecologists, 团体手中, interventional radiologists and nurse practitioners. 我们共同提供量身定制的治疗方案,促进妇女的长期健康.

Varicose vein treatment: 我们的放射科医生为静脉功能不全提供全面的静脉护理和治疗. Venous insufficiency causes the veins to swell and enlarge, leading to spider veins or varicose veins. 我们采用以患者为中心的护理方法,讨论治疗方法,以提高您的生活质量.


Radiologists are crucial members of diagnostic teams. We also offer minimally invasive treatments for a range of conditions, 包括:

动脉瘤: 动脉的一个凸起或薄弱部位,通常在大脑或膝盖后部.

癌症: A large number of diseases where your cells divide uncontrollably, then spread and destroy surrounding tissue. 

肌瘤: 子宫内的非癌性生长,通常发生在妇女的育龄期.

中风: 由于血管堵塞或破裂,大脑血液供应中断.

肿瘤: An irregular mass of cells that grows uncontrollably.

震动: 抽搐身体某一部分不自主的收缩或颤抖,通常在手、腿或脸.

静脉曲张: Enlarged, twisted veins, most often in the legs.

Tests and procedures radiology centers offer

We use a range of techniques to view what’s going on inside your body. Some of the most common imaging options we use include:  

CT: 使用x射线和计算机的组合来创建你身体内部的详细图像.

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA): 使用小剂量的辐射来测量你的骨矿物质密度(骨骼的质量和强度).

超声波诊断: 也被称为超声,利用高频声波来观察你身体内部的结构.  

透视: Using X-rays with a video screen to create a “movie” of the inside of your body.

乳房x光检查: 使用低剂量的x光检查乳腺组织以发现和诊断乳腺癌.

核磁共振成像: 使用无线电波和磁铁来创建你的内部器官和组织的详细图像.  

Positron emission tomography (宠物): 一种使用一种被称为示踪剂的放射性物质来显示你的内脏如何运作的技术.   

Meet the UCLA radiology team

我们的放射学团队由放射学诊断和治疗各种疾病的专家组成. 我们提供全方位的诊断服务,并使用最先进的技术. Our specialists continually research new and promising treatments.


呼叫 310-301-6800 请求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的放射科医生,或者在你附近找一家医学成像中心.


Radiologists are experts in all types of imaging, including advanced techniques.

今天打电话找你附近的医疗成像和安排您的成像程序(MR), CT, 宠物, 用, 超声波).