
Our 神经外科医生 offer a wide range of advanced epilepsy procedures with exceptional outcomes. 我们治疗所有类型的成人和儿童癫痫发作.



The 神经外科医生 at UCLA Health have offered surgical treatment for epilepsy for decades. Of the 2.美国有500万癫痫患者, about 250,000人是潜在的手术候选人. 手术可以带来显著的好处, with many patients experiencing freedom from seizures after surgery.


特殊的结果: Our 神经外科医生 use advanced techniques that lead to excellent outcomes. For example, more than 80% of patients who have surgery to remove a seizure-causing tumor become completely seizure-free. More than 70% of our temporal lobe surgery patients become seizure-free. Extensive diagnostic testing means we determine the most effective treatment option that leads to the best chance of an optimal outcome. 

专门的神经内科重症监护: 我们的神经重症监护室(ICU) 帮助癫痫患者在脑部手术后恢复良好. The neuro ICU specialists work in close cooperation with your surgeon or other referring provider. 这个小组包括受过专门训练的护士, 护士, physicians in specialty training (fellows) and attending physicians.

国家认可: 我们的项目隶属于癫痫发作障碍中心, 全国癫痫中心协会的四级中心. This designation means that we offer comprehensive evaluation and extensive treatment for epilepsy disorders. We provide whole-person care with neurological, neuropsychological and psychosocial treatments. We are recognized leaders worldwide and have pioneered many of the innovations in epilepsy evaluation and surgical treatment.


Epilepsy is a neurological condition characterized by bursts of irregular electrical activity in the brain. 这种电活动被称为癫痫发作. 癫痫发作引起广泛的症状, 从感觉障碍到长时间的凝视, 抽搐或失去知觉.

癫痫发作有多种类型和癫痫亚型. 我们可以为以下情况提供手术治疗:

婴儿和幼儿的灾难性癫痫: This type of epilepsy causes quickly spreading seizures that often severely weaken a child’s arm or leg or affect their development.

由肿瘤或畸形引起的癫痫: Seizures may start in irregular growths (tumors) or tangles of blood vessels (vascular malformations).

颞叶外癫痫: 癫痫发作从前侧开始, 大脑的底部或中间部分, 常引起惊厥发作的.  

Lennox-Gastaut癫痫: 癫痫发作活动的迅速蔓延会导致癫痫发作, 一个人突然失去肌肉张力,身体垮掉.

内侧额叶癫痫: Seizures occur in the frontal lobe, the part of the brain that controls movement.

内侧颞叶癫痫: 癫痫发作始于颞叶, a small area on the side of the brain that controls processing sounds and memories.


患者并不总是需要手术来治疗癫痫. Our team typically recommends trying medications for several months before turning to surgical treatment. However, if medications don’t control seizures, we may consider brain surgery. In some cases, 我们更早提供手术, such as when seizures occur in critical functional areas of the brain.


迷走神经刺激器(VNS) VNS是一种通过手术植入胸腔的小装置. Its wires connect to one of the large nerve pairs in the neck (vagus nerve). 电线向迷走神经发送小的电脉冲. 这些电信号可能在一天中持续不断地发出, 或者你可以在癫痫发作的第一个迹象时激活VNS.

深部脑刺激(DBS): A neurosurgeon creates dime-sized openings in the skull and places electrodes on the brain. Then, they implant a small device under the collarbone that continually sends signals to the electrodes. These electrical signals stimulate the area of the brain where seizures occur to interrupt seizure signals. 

反应性神经刺激(RNS): An RNS is a device implanted in the brain that learns to interpret the brain’s signals and identify when a seizure is about to start. It then interrupts the signals in the brain to prevent full-blown seizures from occurring.

激光间质热治疗(LITT): This minimally invasive treatment involves making a tiny incision and inserting a laser fiber directly into the center of a lesion causing epilepsy. We use 3D GPS-like navigation to ensure we accurately place the laser fiber. Then, we use heat to destroy the lesion without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. The ideal candidates for this procedure are those with a small lesion in the deep tissues of the brain (hypothalamic hamartoma). 

手术切除: 大约80%的时间, removing a brain tumor or vascular malformation that led to a seizure is a curative treatment. We may also safely remove a portion of the brain where seizures occur. 

脑成像手术: Sometimes, traditional imaging techniques don’t identify the exact source of seizures. Our 神经外科医生 use techniques in which we place electrodes on the brain to pinpoint where the seizures are occurring and to identify where essential brain functions occur. This allows us to remove tumors or sections of the brain without damaging any critical functional areas.

、胼胝体: A neurosurgeon cuts the band of nerve fibers between the two halves of the brain (corpus callosum). This stops seizure signals from firing back and forth between the two halves of the brain. We may offer corpus callosotomy to lessen the severity of seizures that affect the entire brain.  

大脑半球切除术: Rarely, a procedure to partially or completely remove one hemisphere of the brain may be an effective seizure treatment. 在精心挑选的病人中, this surgery is one of the most successful operations at stopping seizures. 我们通常只给非常年轻的病人做大脑半球切除术, 最好是2岁以下, who have severe epilepsy that hasn’t responded to medications and affects only one half of the brain.


我们的神经外科医生使用先进的技术来治疗婴儿, children, 青少年和成人癫痫患者. 我们今天使用的许多工具都是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心首创的. Our surgeons are internationally recognized leaders in epilepsy surgery.


Contact us

Call 310-794-1195 to request an appointment with an epilepsy specialist at UCLA Health. To schedule an appointment with the 癫痫发作障碍中心, please call 424-260-8836.


UCLA Health 神经外科医生 provide advanced surgical epilepsy treatment. To schedule an appointment with the 癫痫发作障碍中心, please call 424-260-8836.