
Our 心脏康复 Program is an exercise-based, outpatient program designed to help improve your cardiovascular health. We also offer an intensive outpatient program for those who want more support to make heart-healthy lifestyle changes.

健康生活方式理念, health diet in heart dish with exercise equipment, 体重秤和运动鞋.

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for cardiac rehabilitation?

The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 心脏康复 Program provides comprehensive, team-based care. We help improve your cardiovascular health through exercise, nutrition and other lifestyle changes. Our program is one of the only cardiac rehab programs in the area, 提供有针对性的治疗.  


以病人为中心的护理: Our experienced and personable staff focus on helping you feel informed and at ease. We answer all your questions and arm you with the tools you need to improve your heart health. Our patients consistently report high levels of satisfaction with our team and program.

以团队为基础的治疗: The cardiac rehab team includes exercise physiologists, nurses, psychologists and 营养学家 who work together to create personalized treatment plans. We also work with your primary care provider or 心脏病专家 to help you experience the best outcome possible.

验证结果: Studies have shown that cardiac rehabilitation improves your cardiovascular health. It also lowers risk factors such as high blood pressure, 多余的重量, 高血糖和高胆固醇. You can trust our team to create a care plan that brings results.

让高危病人安心: We check your vital signs during exercise sessions to ensure you stay safe and within your target heart rate range. 突发卫生事件很少, 但如果它们真的发生了, you have easy access to the 心脏病专家s on-site at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 hospitals.

研究重点: Our cardiac rehab outcomes show that these services directly improve cardiovascular health. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 researchers were part of a key trial that established heart failure as a reimbursable diagnosis for cardiac rehab. Before this trial, it wasn’t known if exercise was helpful for patients with heart failure. Today, insurance companies cover cardiac rehab to help treat the condition.

Who could benefit from cardiovascular rehabilitation?

Cardiac rehabilitation can help you recover from heart emergencies, conditions or surgeries. The program may be right for you if you’ve had:

  • Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack): A medical emergency that occurs because of a sudden blockage of blood flow to the heart
  • 冠状动脉搭桥手术: A procedure that redirects blood flow around damaged or clogged coronary arteries (blood vessels that supply blood to the heart)
  • 冠状动脉支架: A small mesh tube placed in a narrowed coronary artery to help keep it open and restore blood flow
  • 心力衰竭: A condition in which the heart doesn’t pump blood as efficiently as it should to meet the body’s needs
  • 心脏或心肺移植: Surgeries to replace a failing heart or heart and lungs with organs from a donor
  • 心脏瓣膜修复或置换: Procedures to fix a damaged heart valve or replace it with donor tissue or a mechanical valve
  • 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI) A type of heart procedure that uses small, hollow tubes (catheters) and a balloon to open a blocked artery (often called angioplasty)
  • 稳定心绞痛: 胸痛发作, often triggered by exercise or cold weather, 有潜在的心脏病诱因

What to expect from cardiac rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation typically includes one or more weekly outpatient sessions over several weeks. 这些会议包括:

练习: 你参加了一个小时的活动, instructor-led exercise session that includes 45 minutes of aerobic exercise and 15 minutes of resistance training. We explain proper form, make real-time adjustments and track your vital signs throughout the class.

心理支持: You meet with a psychologist to discuss your cardiac rehabilitation plan. They can identify any potential barriers to making lifestyle changes and give you resources to help you stick to your cardiac rehab plan.

营养咨询: We provide optional one-on-one sessions with a nutritionist or dietitian. These specialists evaluate your current eating habits and recommend dietary changes to improve your cardiovascular health.  


Our cardiac rehabilitation team includes expert clinical providers who help improve your heart health with evidence-based, 研究策略. We support you as you make healthy lifestyle changes that help you feel your best.



呼叫 310-825-0014 to request an appointment for cardiac rehabilitation at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our experienced team provides personalized care plans with a patient-centered approach. 呼叫 310-825-0014 to learn more about our cardiac rehabilitation program.