
Our experts provide inpatient and outpatient pharmaceutical services to people throughout the greater Los Angeles area. At our specialty pharmacy, we offer medications that aren’t available elsewhere. 在你附近找一家药店.


Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for pharmaceutical services?

Our team provides pharmaceutical services to patients at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center. We also offer outpatient services to people throughout the region.

At our fully accredited specialty pharmacy, we help people manage chronic diseases. Our pharmacists and technicians are an integral part of your health care team. 我们提供:

认可专科药房: The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 专业药房 is fully accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission. We carry drugs that aren’t available at typical retail pharmacies. These medications treat some of the most complex conditions.

药物教育和研究: Our pharmacists provide detailed medication information to 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 staff. The pharmacy team also develops and implements drug education, training and research programs. The research programs advance new discoveries in innovative drug therapies to improve the lives of our patients.

指导和专业知识: Our dedicated pharmacists are here to guide you through your treatment plan. They work with your doctor to answer questions about medications and serve as your advocate. 我们的服务 include comprehensive assistance with insurance claims, denials and appeals.

个性化的护理: We know it’s essential for you to receive your medications and medical supplies quickly. That’s why we work with you and your doctor to promptly deliver the medications you need. 通过频繁的沟通和跟进, we make it as easy as possible for you to access the medical therapies you need.


Our expert pharmacists help patients understand treatment plans and access life-changing medications. 作为你的护理团队的一员, our pharmacists work closely with your doctors and specialists to coordinate your care. 我们的服务包括: 

24/7咨询和建议: If you have an urgent question when the pharmacy is closed, a pharmacist is available to talk on the phone 24 hours a day, 一周七天.

与您的护理团队合作: We work closely with your doctors, caregivers and care team. This collaboration allows our experts to adjust dosages, spot potential drug interactions and help you avoid and manage side effects. We address concerns quickly so you can access your treatments with peace of mind.

送货提货: We offer fast and convenient medicine delivery to your home, 工作场所或其他地点,无需额外费用. We deliver all types of prescriptions, including refrigerated products. You can also pick up your medications at our specialty pharmacy.

金融援助: We’re here to assist you if you’re unable to afford your medications. We’ll explore your options with you and guide you through the next steps. We also work with pharmaceutical manufacturers and foundations to make your medications more affordable and increase access to lifesaving drugs.

保险支持: Our experts can help you manage claims, appeal denials and explore every option available to you. As your advocate, we guide you through this process to ensure you get the best possible coverage.

口译服务: Our interpreters can assist with several languages. They help you understand treatment plans and improve access to medications. If you need an interpreter, please ask a member of your care team.

Refill-reminder服务: A team member will contact you before your refill due date. 我们讨论你需要什么药, 更新您的健康和保险信息, 为你的药物安排一个交货日期. Our experts are available during your treatment to answer your questions and address your concerns.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 specialty pharmacists fill prescriptions to manage chronic conditions that require complex medications, 包括:

癌症: Disease that occurs when cancer cells grow and divide uncontrollably, 形成肿瘤或扩散到附近的组织.

肝炎: A group of several conditions that cause inflammation in the liver.

艾滋病毒: A virus that attacks the immune system and causes AIDS.

炎性肠病(IBD): Disorders that involve chronic inflammation of the digestive tract.

多发性硬化症: An autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack the protective covering of nerves throughout the body.

肺动脉高压: A type of high blood pressure that causes blood vessels in the lungs and heart to become narrowed or blocked.

风湿性疾病: 数百种不同的疾病, 包括几种类型的关节炎, 会影响肌肉骨骼系统.


Our experienced clinical pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are specially trained to help you get the most out of your treatments so you can feel your best. 作为你的支持者, 我们和你的医生合作, guide you through your treatment plans and offer expert support.


呼叫 310-206-3784 for help with pharmacy services and 到我们的专业药房.


Our pharmacists are here to answer your questions and guide you through your treatment plan. 呼叫 310-206-3784 到我们的专业药房.