General Orthopaedics

我们的普通骨科团队提供全面的评估来诊断和治疗影响骨骼的疾病, joints and muscles. We work with multiple subspecialists to help you find relief.

Older couple walking together outdoors

Why choose UCLA Health for orthopaedic care?

如果你遇到影响骨骼的情况或损伤,普通骨科医生是你治疗团队的关键成员, joints, muscles, tendons or ligaments. 他们诊断骨科疾病,并与专科医生合作管理你的治疗计划. At UCLA Health, 我们的普通骨科团队提供全面的评估,以满足您的需求. When you choose our team, 你选择的是全国排名前五的骨科项目之一, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report.

Highlights of our program include:

Nonsurgical orthopaedic treatment: 如果你有骨科疾病,你可能会认为你需要手术. 但大多数骨科疾病不需要手术治疗. It’s important to find a specialist who can offer a targeted, 考虑到所有可能的治疗方案的有效计划. 我们的骨科医生会根据您的需求、目标、偏好和优先事项提出建议.

Comprehensive assessments: Great care starts with a comprehensive medical history, physical exam and basic imaging such as X-rays. 我们提供深入的评估,以找到您担忧的根本原因. With these results, 我们可以为您找到最好的治疗方案,并决定何时转介您进行专门护理.

Access to multiple subspecialists: 作为一个学术医疗中心,我们可以根据需要轻松地与多个分科专家合作. 你可以接触到其他专家,包括物理治疗专家, orthopaedic surgery or sports medicine.

Conditions orthopaedic specialists treat

骨科专家是肌肉骨骼系统的专家. 这包括骨骼、关节和软组织,如肌肉、韧带、肌腱和软骨. We treat a wide range of conditions, often seeing patients for knee, hip, shoulder, back or neck pain. 在许多情况下,非手术治疗可以减少或消除疼痛,帮助你更好地活动.

我们的专家可以帮助找到慢性疾病和急性损伤疼痛的根本原因, including:

Chronic conditions

许多骨科疾病随着时间的推移而发展,并且是长期的(慢性)。. These may include: 

Arthritis: Chronic joint inflammation (osteoarthritis), 通常由关节软骨的破裂引起 

Bursitis: 在骨骼周围提供缓冲的充满液体的小囊(粘液囊)中的炎症

Carpal tunnel syndrome: Compression of the median nerve, which runs through the wrist, causing numbness and tingling in the hands

Osteoporosis: 一种骨骼疾病,身体不能产生足够的新骨骼, leading to bone damage, brittleness and weakening

Plantar fasciitis: Inflammation in the plantar fascia, 位于脚底连接脚后跟和脚趾的组织  

Tendonitis: 肌腱的炎症,连接肌肉和骨骼的组织

Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis): 连接前臂和外肘的肌腱发炎

Acute conditions

We also treat acute conditions, or ones that occur suddenly. Many acute conditions are injuries such as:

Achilles tendon tears: 脚后跟正上方的组织带部分或完全撕裂(跟腱), often caused by forceful pivoting, jumping or running

Ankle sprains: 脚踝韧带的拉伸或撕裂,韧带是连接骨头的强力组织带

Bone fractures: 骨折部分或完全骨折,通常由过度使用或外伤引起

Dislocations: 骨头末端被迫离开关节的正常位置的一种损伤

Hamstring injuries: 大腿后侧肌肉的拉伤或撕裂

Hip labral tears: 髋关节关节软骨的撕裂处,使髋关节的球窝关节处于缓冲状态, often caused by an overuse injury or trauma 

Medial collateral ligament (MCL) tears: 膝盖内侧韧带的撕裂,通常由突然的扭转运动引起

Meniscus tears: A tear in the knee cartilage between the thighbone and shinbone, often caused by a sudden and forceful twisting motion

Rotator cuff tears: 肩关节周围肌肉和肌腱的撕裂(肩袖)。, often caused by repetitive overhead shoulder movements

Treatments we offer

骨科专家为慢性和急性疾病提供一系列非手术治疗, including:

Bracing, casting and orthotics: 许多骨科损伤需要通过支架、石膏或吊带固定. 我们可能会开出这些治疗方法来帮助骨折或拉伤更有效地愈合. 定制的踝关节支架或鞋垫(矫形器)也可以帮助支持正确的对齐, correct foot deformities or improve foot and ankle function.

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy: 这种非侵入性治疗向受伤组织传递小冲击波. 骨科专家将一种特殊的凝胶和小探针放在受伤部位. 电荷通过探针发送能量波,启动受伤组织的愈合. 这种治疗方法可能会减轻患有肌腱炎等疾病的人的疼痛, plantar fasciitis or tennis elbow. 

Joint injections: 皮质类固醇或透明质酸注射可以缓解炎症,减轻骨关节炎患者的关节疼痛. 骨科专家将高剂量的药物注射到目标部位. 患者通常在几天内开始感到疼痛缓解.

Medications: 骨科专家提供药物来缓解炎症或减轻疼痛. 我们可能会推荐非处方的选择或处方药物,如类固醇.

We also work closely with other specialists, such as physical therapists, to help you decrease pain, prevent injury and increase strength and mobility. 如有需要,我们会将您转介到我们的骨科团队进行手术治疗.

Meet our team

我们的骨科专家提供全面的评估,以找到您的骨骼的根本原因, joint or muscle issue. 你会收到一个基于你的需求和目标的个性化治疗计划. 我们提供非手术治疗,并根据需要将您转介给专科医生.

Contact us

Call 310-319-1234 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的骨科专家.

Find your care

We develop customized treatment plans to meet your needs. Call 310-319-1234 to learn more about our orthopaedic services.