Integrative Digestive Health and Wellness

Our GI experts come together to deliver patient-centered care. 结合饮食,生活方式和行为疗法,我们帮助你感觉更好,生活更健康.

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Why choose UCLA Health for integrative digestive health?

Through our comprehensive services, 我们提供治疗和计划,帮助您达到您的消化健康目标. Highlights of our program include:

Holistic approach: In addition to the gastroenterologist who manages your care, 其他团队成员包括在消化健康方面具有特殊专业知识的GI营养师和在脑-肠轴和身心方法方面具有经验的GI执业护士. 你的胃肠道健康心理学家擅长使用经过验证的心理策略来减轻症状和更好地控制疾病. Together, 我们的专家努力达到最好的结果,不仅为您的消化健康, but also for your overall well-being.

Focus on the brain-gut and mind-body connection: 我们的团队了解大脑和肠道之间的紧密联系. We utilize proven therapies, including nutritional guidance, meditation, mindfulness, gut-directed cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy, to improve brain-gut communication.

Personalized care plans: 我们认识到不只是治疗消化道的重要性,而是要关注整个人,并制定最适合你的综合方法.

Our areas of care

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的综合消化健康和健康项目, 我们专注于综合健康实践,帮助患有胃肠道疾病的人. 人们谈论他们的“直觉”或“直觉”并不是偶然的.“大脑和肠道一直保持着沟通,在支持健康的消化功能方面发挥着重要作用.

慢性消化系统症状会影响心理和身体健康, 就像压力和强烈的情绪会导致或恶化胃肠道症状一样. Our therapies focus on both the brain and the gut. Our services include:

Integrative health for GI disorders

综合护理从业人员在脑-肠研究和照顾消化系统疾病患者方面拥有丰富的经验. At the initial assessment, 你将了解大脑和肠道的联系,以及睡眠等因素如何影响大脑, 锻炼和压力对消化系统健康都起着重要作用. In addition to addressing your symptoms, you will learn lifestyle behaviors that influence digestive health, 你将练习一些有研究支持的技能来改善症状,帮助你管理压力.


Wellness approaches may include:

Aromatherapy: Essential oils from plants such as lavender, peppermint, lemon and ginger promote physical and mental well-being.

Diaphragmatic breathing: 这种缓慢的呼吸刺激迷走神经(连接大脑和消化道的神经),激活“休息和消化”神经系统.

Mindfulness-based interventions: 这些技巧教你觉知身体感觉之间的关系, thought patterns and emotions. 我们和你一起承认你的症状,并学习应对这些症状的技能, resulting in better symptom and stress management.

Relaxation training: These techniques reduce stress and tension in the mind and body, balance the nervous system and improve well-being.

Self-compassion: 我们教你在面对困难或不适时如何用善意回应自己.

GI health psychology

我们受过专门训练的GI健康心理学家提供积极主动的护理方法, 注重增强心理资源,优化消化系统健康,增强抗压力能力. 患有慢性和不可预测的消化症状会影响日常生活. 消化问题会增加压力水平,干扰有益健康的有意义的活动.

许多患者还会经历一系列与消化系统疾病相关的情绪. 我们的GI健康心理学家专门使用影响脑-肠连接的行为治疗来减轻症状的严重程度并提高生活质量. 这种全人的方法包含了消化和情绪健康之间的相互联系.

Therapies we offer include: 

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): 这种疗法教授的技能可以改善你对不舒服的想法的反应, feelings and GI symptoms. ACT可以提高生活质量,减少消化道症状患者的情绪痛苦.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT使用基于技能的策略来识别和修改可能会放大压力或干扰症状管理的思维模式和行为. CBT提供了提高应对技能和解决问题技巧的工具,以减轻症状和与症状相关的压力.

Coping support: We work with you to help you cope with and adjust to a diagnosis. 我们的团队为与消化问题相关的情感挑战提供支持.

Medical hypnosis for digestive health: 这种做法使用深度放松技术,结合舒缓的图像和口头建议. 我们用催眠术来镇静消化系统,缓解消化症状.

GI nutrition

我们专业的胃肠道营养师帮助您在控制消化症状的同时继续享受饮食的乐趣. 我们根据症状和诊断提供个性化的饮食和补充建议. Learn more about UCLA Health GI Nutrition.   

Gastrointestinal diseases we treat

我们的团队在处理各种胃肠道疾病和症状方面经验丰富. These include:

Esophageal disorders, 包括失弛缓症、胃酸反流、巴雷特食管、吞咽困难和食管癌

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (UC)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other disorders of gut-brain interaction, such as functional dyspepsia, abdominal bloating and distension

Motility disorders, 消化不良影响消化道运动的一系列状况, such as gastroparesis, rumination, acid reflux, and difficulty swallowing

Symptoms of these disorders may include:

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Belching
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Meet our team

Our team of expert GI dietitians, GI psychologists, 综合保健执业护士是以脑-肠为中心的消化疾病治疗方法的研究和临床领导者. Together, 我们与您的胃肠病学家合作,确定改善您的消化系统健康和整体健康的最佳方法.

Contact us

Connect with us at 310-825-2631 for more information.

Find your care

Our team delivers holistic care for people with GI disorders. We enhance your overall well-being with a wide range of dietary, behavioral and integrative health practices. Call us at 310-825-2631 to connect with an expert.