麻醉学 & 围手术期医学

Our anesthesiology specialists use the safest, 最高质量的技术提供全面的疼痛控制和围手术期服务.


Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for anesthesiology?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康麻醉团队由临床护理和研究领域的领导者组成. Our team includes more than 200 clinical and research faculty. 更多的 than 100 residents and fellows, nurse anesthetists and clinical staff support them in delivering safe, 有效的护理.

每年,我们的麻醉师和麻醉团队护理超过60,000名患者. Additional highlights of our program 包括:

质量承诺: 通过围手术期护理,我们采用多种策略来提高质量和改善患者预后. 我们的病人吃, 手术后喝酒和下床的速度比其他医疗中心要快. 他们的住院时间更短,康复速度更快,满意度也更高.

保健优化: Through our Preoperative Evaluation and Planning Center (PEPC), we ensure that each patient is ready for surgery. We use multiple tools to optimize your health before operating. Your care might involve physical therapy before surgery, chronic pain management or improving your diet and exercise. 研究表明,术前计划和健康优化可以显著减少手术后的恢复时间.

皇冠hga020电脑版参与: 除了提供临床护理外,我们的团队还参与皇冠hga020电脑版外展活动. 我们采取了减少阿片类药物使用和增加所有患者获得医疗保健机会的举措. 我们的临床医生还自愿为高中生提供科学职业教育, 技术, 工程与数学(STEM).

Subspecialized专长: 我们所有的麻醉师都是经过委员会认证的,他们中的许多人都接受过专科研究员培训. 例如, 我们有心脏病专家, pediatric and obstetric anesthesia, as well as 疼痛医学 specialists.

Training the next generation of leaders: Through our robust residency and fellowship programs, we teach and train the future generation of anesthesiologists. 我们的麻醉师始终掌握最新的技术和研究,以指导这些培训. 在病人护理环境中, 我们采用团队模式,其中有一名委员会认证的麻醉师随时可以帮助照顾病人.


Thanks to our subspecialty anesthesiologists, 我们提供全方位的麻醉和围手术期服务(术前疼痛控制), 手术中及手术后). 从慢性疼痛管理到术后护理,我们的专家随时准备提供帮助. 我们的护理领域包括:


We provide both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic pain management during 分娩和分娩, including epidurals and nitrous oxide. 每年约有2000名新生儿出生,这意味着我们经常照顾高危患者. 我们的麻醉师提供专业的产科麻醉学,并支持每位母亲对疼痛管理的偏好.


的领域 疼痛医学 包括:

Acute pain and regional anesthesiology: 如果您因受伤或手术后感到疼痛,我们的急性疼痛服务全天候提供. 我们使用多方面的方法来管理疼痛,包括优化营养, movement and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). 使用这些策略可以改善结果并减轻疼痛,同时最大限度地减少阿片类药物的使用.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校综合疼痛中心: At our Pain Center, we offer world-class care for chronic pain. Our specialists understand that chronic pain can affect every area of your life. 我们与每位患者一起工作,并使用多种治疗模式,以使您达到最佳活动水平. 我们在7个门诊地点提供当日预约,因此您可以快速方便地获得所需的护理.


In partnership with the specialists at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital, we deliver anesthesiology to newborns, 婴儿和儿童. 我们与其他儿科专科密切合作,以尽量减少治疗和诊断过程中的疼痛, as well as assist in the operating rooms.


我们的麻醉师使用多种技术来帮助您在不使用麻醉剂的情况下更快地从手术中恢复. 的领域 surgical anesthesia 包括:

住院手术: Inpatient surgeries include an overnight stay in the hospital. 例如, most heart and brain surgeries are inpatient operations . 我们使用麻醉技术来控制疼痛,同时让你恢复并迅速回家.

门诊手术: When you have an outpatient operation, you return home the same day of surgery. 对于门诊手术,我们经常使用麻醉技术,但这种技术不会让你完全进入睡眠状态. 这些类型的麻醉可以让你在手术后更快地回家. 

Preoperative Evaluation and Planning Center (PEPC): 在手术前,患者可以亲自或通过远程医疗访问PEPC. The goal of the PEPC is to optimize a patient’s health before surgery. Not only does this optimization lead to better outcomes, but it also helps ensure better pain relief and control.

麻醉后护理病房: We use multiple options such as epidural anesthesia, 周围神经阻滞和静脉注射药物在医院治疗术后疼痛. 我们与慢性疼痛团队的专家协调,在必要时顺利地将患者转移到门诊疼痛管理.

Conditions anesthesiologists treat

We work closely with multiple specialists to care for specific conditions. We provide specialized anesthesiology support and perioperative care for:

心胸外科手术: We provide services for more than 1,每年有超过5000名心脏外科患者和500多名介入心脏病和电生理学患者. 作为活跃的研究者, 我们不断寻找新的和更好的治疗方案来控制手术疼痛.

神经外科: We provide neurosurgical anesthesia for more than 1,200 patients each year. Many neurosurgeries use advanced techniques, such as computed tomography (CT) scans during an operation. Our anesthesia team works closely with the whole 神经外科 team to create precise, personalized plans for each patient’s surgical anesthesia.  

眼科手术: In partnership with the Jules Stein Eye Institute, 我们关心近6个,000 ophthalmology surgery patients each year. We manage anesthesia for patients undergoing cataract surgery, 角膜移植手术, 视网膜手术等. We also provide anesthesia for 婴儿和儿童 undergoing eye surgery.

胸手术: Our anesthesiologists work alongside the 胸外科 team to provide care to patients participating in more than 1,000 thoracic (chest) surgeries each year. 我们是仅有的几个可以接受间皮瘤专科手术的中心之一, called the surgical pleurectomy and decortication. 该手术保留了更多的肺组织,比其他标准治疗方案有更好的转归率.

移植手术: 我们的许多节目 移植服务 are among the best in the country. 例如,当我们 肝脏移植手术 program started, it was the only one in the Western United States. 现在, 我们已经演出了超过6场,000例肝移植, making us the most active program worldwide.

血管手术: Vascular surgeons treat conditions that affect the veins and blood vessels. In partnership with the Vascular Surgery team, 我们关心的是大于1的,000 vascular patients each year. Thanks to expanding 技术, 我们通常可以使用镇静剂来提供高质量的护理,同时改善患者的预后.

Treatments anesthesiologists offer

麻醉学 specialists use multiple techniques to manage pain. 通常,麻醉的目的是在手术前、手术中和手术后控制疼痛. Common types of anesthesia 包括:

局部麻醉: This technique uses a small injection of a numbing medication, such as lidocaine. 我们经常在门诊手术或牙科手术中使用局部麻醉.

区域麻醉: This approach blocks sensations to just one part of the body. One of the most common types of regional anesthesia is an epidural, which is often used during childbirth. 局部麻醉还包括神经阻滞,麻醉某些神经丛. If you are having surgery on your leg or arm, 例如, you may have a femoral nerve block or a brachial plexus block.  

镇静: 有时被称为监控麻醉护理,镇静是许多人所知道的“黄昏睡眠”.” With this type of anesthesia, 你通常会接受静脉注射(IV)药物,帮助你放松和感觉昏昏欲睡. You may have mild sedation, where you can still respond to questions. 或者你可以使用深度镇静, meaning you are deeply asleep but can still breathe without assistance.

全身麻醉: You may receive general anesthesia through an IV, breathing tube or mask. 当你被全身麻醉时,你是无意识的,没有任何感觉. If you have general anesthesia during surgery, you may feel extreme drowsiness for a few hours after the operation.  


我们的麻醉和围手术期医学团队由临床护理和研究方面的专家组成. 我们与整个医院的多个团队合作,提供手术麻醉, as well as pain management before and after surgery. 我们的临床医生也是培训住院医师和研究员成为下一代麻醉护理专家的领导者.  


呼叫 310-267-6629 to request an appointment with an anesthesiology specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


麻醉学和围手术期医学专家帮助您控制疼痛和优化健康. 欲了解更多信息,请致电 310-267-6629.