Ophthalmic Oncology (Eye Cancer)

Our ophthalmic oncologists provide advanced care for eye cancer, including new treatments through clinical trials.

Female eye with long eyelashes close-up
Medical eye examination

Why choose UCLA Health for ophthalmic oncology?

Since it was founded in the 1980s, the Ophthalmic Oncology Center has been internationally recognized for diagnosing and treating eye cancers. The Center is part of the UCLA Health Stein Eye Institute and Doheny Eye Centers, which U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 ranks fifth in the nation for ophthalmology care.

Our ophthalmic oncologists collaborate with multiple specialists, such as radiation oncologists and radiation physicists to offer comprehensive treatment plans. Highlights of our program include:

研究重点: Our physicians research new treatments and participate in clinical trials. This enables us to remain at the forefront of new techniques. Eligible patients benefit from access to these treatments through clinical trials.

著名的专业知识: We have achieved international recognition for our research and treatment of ocular melanoma. As a hub for national studies on this condition, the Ophthalmic Oncology Center contributed to a long-term study sponsored by the National Eye Institute.

遗传咨询: Through our research, we’ve identified key genes associated with tumors that spread (metastatic tumors). We use genetic testing to help guide our treatment plans and offer genetic counseling.


In the Ophthalmic Oncology Center, we treat primary eye tumors (those that originate in your eye), 包括:

眼黑色素瘤: The most common primary eye cancer, starting in the cells that produce pigment

Conjunctival melanoma: Cancer that occurs on the surface of the eye (conjunctiva)

眼睑癌: Skin cancer that starts on the eyelid

血管瘤: A noncancerous (benign) tumor that starts in blood vessels, often in the middle layer of eye tissue (choroid)

Intraocular lymphoma: Eye cancer that starts in the body’s infection-fighting cells (lymphocytes)

Lacrimal gland tumor: A growth on the part of the eye that produces tears (lacrimal gland)

视网膜母细胞瘤: A rare condition in which cancerous (malignant) cells form in the inside lining of the eye (retina)

Eye cancer treatments we offer

Our specialists offer comprehensive treatment for eye cancer, including new and innovative treatments through clinical trials. Often, treatment involves surgery to remove the eye tumor. 你可能有:

虹膜切除术: Removes part of the iris

Iridocyclectomy: Removes part of the iris and a layer of the wall behind the iris known as the ciliary body

Sclerouvectomy: Removes the entire tumor while keeping the retina and the rest of the eye intact

摘出术: Removes the eye, a treatment used only in severe and rare cases  

Treatment plans may also include:

放射治疗: Uses powerful X-rays to target and destroy cancer cells

激光治疗: Uses high-energy light beams to heat and destroy a tumor

化疗: Drugs that attack fast-growing cells, including cancer cells

靶向治疗: Drugs that target specific parts of cancer cells to keep them from growing or spreading

免疫疗法: Drugs that stimulate the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells


Our ophthalmic oncologists research, diagnose and treat all types of eye cancers. We continually learn the newest therapies so we can offer you the most advanced treatments.


呼叫 310-825-2631 to request an appointment with an ophthalmic oncologist at UCLA Health.


Our ophthalmic oncologists offer comprehensive eye cancer treatment. 呼叫 310-825-2631 to learn more about our services.